The House of Delegates formulates policy for the Medical Society of the State of New York.  No officer, councilor, board, commission, committee, or employee shall initiate any policy or commit the State Society to any policy unless such policy has been expressly approved by the House of Delegates or by the Council.

It shall elect the officers, councilors, and trustees of the State Society and the delegates to the American Medical Association.  In odd numbered years beginning with the year 1999 it shall ensure that at least one resident physician is elected as a full delegate and at least one medical student is elected as an alternate delegate to the American Medical Association.  In even numbered years beginning with the year 2000 it shall ensure that at least one medical student is elected as a full delegate and at least one resident physician is elected as an alternate delegate to the American Medical Association. According to the AMA guidelines, all delegates and alternates must be a member in good standing of the AMA.  A student member of the Medical Society of the State of New York, who is in good standing, is eligible for election as delegate to the American Medical Association provided he is a member of the AMA.

The House of Delegates shall pass on the credentials and qualifications of delegates and shall decide who are entitled to be members of the House of Delegates of the Medical Society of the State of New York.

The House of Delegates shall have authority and power to suspend or otherwise discipline its own members, district branches, component county medical societies, or any members of the Medical Society of the State of New York charged with special duties for and under authority of the State Society.

The House of Delegates shall provide for the organization of the district branches, for rules and regulations for its own government, and for the administration of the affairs of the State Society.

The House of Delegates shall provide for the issuance of charters to component county medical societies in affiliation with the Medical Society of the State of New York.

The House of Delegates shall have authority to appoint special committees from among members of the Medical Society of the State of New York.